Some video games seem tailored made for movies or television series. This is however, an anime series based on a game that most people would not think of. Castlevania has been a game series since 1986, and while loved, it did not seem to have a story that would make an interesting show. Castlevania, an anime series on Netflix, has shown that a very interesting story can be told, creating one of the best video game adaptions of all time.


Trevor Belmont has had better days. The land he calls home, Wallachia, has been under attack from demonic forces led by the vampire Vlad Dracula. The locals believe that these attacks are due to the noble families, of which Trevor is the last member. In the city of Gresit, Trevor finds himself caught between the townsfolk and a group of magic users who believe that there is someone beneath the city who might be able to defeat Dracula. Trevor will have to decide who he will trust and what dangers might appear as friends.

The character of Trevor was introduced not in the first game, but in the third. This choice allows for more freedom, as viewers may not be as familiar with him as his descendant, Simon. The first season is a retelling of the third game, with other characters appearing as well. Trevor has been beaten down by life when we meet him. His family used to be monster hunters, but now people spit on him the second they know his name. When faced with a choice, Trevor still tries to do what’s right. This is not a man who will be able to kill Dracula, but one who will be able to with the right friends.


Dracula is an interesting villain. The reason that he decides that every human living in his region must die is due not to him being evil, but rather a tragedy that has made him what he now is. He is not even the worst character in this show. One believes that it is demons vs humans, but as the show teaches, sometimes evil can wear a very human face. Not all humans are good, and not all demons are bad. The person “sleeping” under the city might have a very personal connection to the Lord of Vampires.

The animation style looks great. In a throwback, the art is hand drawn in 2D. When I first saw it, it reminded me of how Vampire Hunter D looked. I later found out that some of the people working on it did work on that very movie. This show is not all scares and gore, although there are plenty of those as well. There are some funny moments and the show captures the very Gothic feel that the games tried to mimic.


There were only four episodes in the first season. Netflix knew they had a winner on their hands and a second season was announced the day the first season started streaming. With a tentative release date of summer, the second season will be twice as long. The first season ended with a group being formed in order to take down Dracula. Hopefully, the second season will eventually end up at Dracula’s castle. Warren Ellis, the writer, has said that the second season might branch off from the video game and he hopes that future seasons might deal with other members of the Belmont clan. With a great first season, expectations will be high for the second. So grab your whip, dust of your stakes and head off to Netflix. Just be sure to be somewhere safe when the sun goes down.