Take a trip back to the far distant year of 2001. If you can remember back then, you might recall a movie called Osmosis Jones, movie that showed you what was going on in your body. Cells at Work, a new anime, takes that premise and shows you what the blood cells in your body are doing on a daily basis. You might discover that they are more like you then you think.


AE3803 is your typical red blood cell. She makes deliveries around the body in order to keep it in proper working order. On her first day, she meets U-1146, a white blood cell whose job is to destroy any harmful intruders in the body. AE3803 will get caught up on a plan for a germ to attack the lungs and meet some other members of the body. It’s going to be an interesting job for sure.

If you have any interest in biology or the medical field, Cells at Work is the show for you. Having the red blood cells be delivery people is the first inclination that this show is going to be fun. This is not a totally informative show, but it treats it’s subjects with respect. We see the body from the inside and it looks like any other big city. Keeping the focus on the inner workings, the body is referred to as the vessel allows us to feel for these overworked important members inside all of us.

Scrape Wound

If there is one drawback, it is the lack of a proper villain. The enemies are the germs and other nasty things that invade the body, but no one has stuck around longer then an episode. The show has just started, but I would love to see a lingering cold hang around for a little while.  One character does not like different blood types mingling, but he seems more like an annoyance then a real threat.


Cells at Work  is a true original, something different for those people that feel that anime has done everything it could. The show is only two episodes in, but I can not wait to see what the blood cells will get up to in their next adventure. So dive deep and watch how the cells in your body are working hard for you.