Finn and Jake are back with another new adventure in the Adventure Time series, mostly known for the show on Cartoon Network, Adventure Time: Pirates of the Enchiridion takes a new spin on the show. With some humor and the cast of the characters back to solidify the awesomeness, this game will excite most fans of the show.

Pirates of the Enchiridion is an RPG turn based and semi open world adventure game. Developed by Cinemax Studios, The most beloved characters of the show go on a hunt to find out why The Land of Ooo is completely underwater. Finn and Jake being the heroes of the land have to fight their way through enemies, uncover secrets and interrogate everyone they can to solve this mystery.

Given that the show has a large fanbase, there are some ups and down to having a stand alone game. Older audiences may find this game easier than other RPGs since they may be more experienced at the mechanics. Younger audiences however may find some difficulty while managing upgrades and strategy. Neither of these paths are wrong, but some players may find that the game is fun but not as challenging as preferred. This is where everything else comes in, like relaxing and just enjoying the journey.

In The Land of Ooo, Finn, Jake, Marceline and BMO all take to the waters in their pirate ship to get to multiple small islands in order to start solving their mystery. Along the way enemies are encounter in a ship battle where the fight is turn based. Enemies are easy to defeat while players learn about their upgrades so battles can end quickly. When on land however, puzzles become more prominent as well at enemies. This is a good balance for players to use more than just one skill and keeps the plot moving.

Speaking of moving, while searching for islands and other characters to interact with, the somewhat open world starts to feel empty. Although the ability to see what the Land of Ooo is, sometimes the journey seems drawn out. Artistically, the world is vibrant and exactly what fans would expect of Adventure Time, which is exuberant and fun. Since the voice actors are back to be themselves from the show, this adds authenticity and dedication to their roles.

During the conversation pieces of the game, some of the jokes can be missed. This could be due to a change in the script but sometimes the jokes don’t hit as hard as they normally would from television. Either way, just being in a situation where the characters would talk and act differently is refreshing.

Overall, since Adventure Time: Pirates of the Enchiridion is geared more toward younger audiences, there will be times that the game seems way too simple. Depending on where you stand personally on the show, this game can still be fun and rewarding just because the characters are what fans crave.


Available on Xbox One, PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch, PC