When you walk down the street, do you ever think about the stories of the people around you? When something bad or good happens, everyone sees a part of the story and everyone remembers it differently. Touka Miyashita and her classmates each have a part of the story in regards to the mysterious Boogiepop. Boogiepop and Others is not like most anime, and almost deserves a second viewing.
The cloaked man seemed to appear out of nowhere. At lest that’s what Keiji Taked saw as he was waiting for his girlfriend Touka Miyashita . When the police arrive, the man vanishes, but not before Keiji sees that the man looks like his girlfriend. He meets up with the man and is introduced to Boogiepop, a sort of superhero who resides within Touka. Boogiepop is here to battle some evil foes, and the first happens to be in the school both students attend.
Boogiepop is a fascinating creation Is it, no male or female features define it, supernatural or merely some split personality of Touka. The anime lets the viewer come to his or her own conclusions. To Keiji, Boogiepop is something else entirely. This could also be a supportive boyfriend trying to deal with something beyond his understanding.
The story in the first three episodes is told from three different perspectives. Sort of who-do-you-believe type of show. The villain is featured in one and we start to see a bigger picture unfold. After these episodes, we switch to an entirely new set of characters, with Boogiepop being the common link.
This show is not for everyone, as it will require your full attention the whole time. Boogiepop and Others shows us that there is a much bigger world out there. We might find it terrifying or beautiful, but it is there and some things that live in it are good and evil.