Created by Nintendo, Dr Mario World marks the second game in the Mario series to make the jump to the mobile platform. The Dr Mario series has always been a fun adventure with heavy puzzle mechanics. How does it stack with other games in the genre. By changing a core mechanic, Dr Mario World has turned the match game on it’s head.

Viruses have invaded the Mushroom Kingdom. With the epidemic at a fever pitch, Mario trades in his plumber suspenders for a white lab coat. A problem this big makes for some strange allies as Bowser and his gang of Koopas have joined the fight as well. Match the different colors with the virus in order to clear the board. Be careful, every stage requires a life and you have a set number of moves to make it happen.

The first thing you will notice is that this is not your typical match game where the pieces come from the top. In this game, the pills float from the bottom up towards the virus. You can rotate the different colors to make the perfect match. This simple change forces the player to think different where they are going to go. Each character has a skill meter that when filled will unleash a different power. There are power ups that you can pick at the beginning to give extra moves or have a full skill meter. Finally, there are support characters which can help you achieve a higher score.

The world of the Mushroom Kingdom looks great on mobile devices. The colors are bright and the sounds are vintage Nintendo. Keep your ears open to hear some familiar music. Puzzle games can sometimes become repetitive, but Dr Mario World keeps adding different challenges and formations. Even if you beat a level, you will come back in order to get a higher score or get those three stars.


The game is free, but there are transactions you can choose in order to get more coins to buy skills. Every level requires the use of a life, but they come back pretty quick. I played the game for two hours and was not stopped once by a loss of  life or the need to buy more skills. The company learned from Super Mario Run and the disaster that was forcing the player to pay. Play the free version and you will find that you don’t have to spend any money.

Dr Mario World is a fantastic addition to the mobile puzzle genre. The upside down mechanic is a game changer and the levels change at a good pace to give the player a challenge but not make it so hard the player rage quits. Keep this doctor’s appointment and see what Mario and his friends can do with a little help.


Available on mobile platforms.