If any of you grew up in the 1990’s like I did, you may have heard of a little show called Rocko’s Modern Life. It was an outrageous show with many references to adult themes that I wouldn’t have noticed if I hadn’t watched the show again. This movie is no different.

We see Rocko, Heffer, Spunky and Filbert zooming through space which is how the show ended back in 1996 in the episode “Future Schlock”. They have been surviving on eating couch munchies and watching the same VHS tape they’ve had since they blasted off. We hear Heffer singing “900 Bazillion Bottles of Root Beer On the Wall” which is what he had done in the finale of the show.

Heffer realizes he has had the remote in his, ahem, butt all along. So, they finally blast back to O-Town but they notice there are some interesting changes. New technology, different stores and the internet!

This reboot/movie touches on some very interesting topics that would have been unfounded in the ’90s. Nostalgia is a huge factor, which is why this was made to begin with. The trend of early 1990’s TV shows have been resurfacing but using certain social issues in our current political climate have made this reboot modern.

For those wondering what has been going on with the Bigheads, I recommend checking this out!


Rocko’s Modern Life: Static Cling is on Netflix now!