In a world where practicing magic is commonplace, not being able to immediately paints you as an outside. That is what happened to Asta. His brother Yuno can practice, but he is seeming without magical talent. A chance encounter with a thief will unleash one of the most powerful Grimoire ever, but the symbol suggests it is very dark magic. So begins the story of Black Clover, a tale about two brothers in a magical world.

A Young Man’s Vow

Asta and Yuno love each other as brothers should, but they are determined to become the next Wizard King. To do so, they must take part in in trials to become Magic Knights. Yuno has his own special gift, a rare four leaf clover Grimoire. The brothers pass the exam, but find out that becoming a Magic Knight is easy compered to staying a Magic Knight.

The setting of this anime seems to be in the Middle Ages. Because of this, class is something that is taken very serious. Asta and Yuno might have special magical gifts, but the nobles look down on them because of their common upbringing. There are monsters and magical problems, but the truth is that the brothers are trying to prove themselves in a world where they already have a strike against them. Of course, the brothers were abandoned as babies, making the question of who their parents were a central mystery.

Those Who Protect

Of the two, Asta is the more intriguing. Believed to have no magical talent, his sudden ability to summon such a powerful Grimoire is a huge surprise. The suddenness of it, and the symbol which people relate to the devil, might scare most people. Astra is just relieved that he can make a play to become the Wizard King. This also means that Yuno and he are now rivals.

In most anime, the idea of rivals is a very common one. The hero always has someone who he or she must defeat in order to win. Black Clover takes this idea and turns it on it’s head. The rivals are brothers, but these two have no personal grudge against each other. They both have the same goal and they consder it an honor to be able to challenge each other.


22 episodes have aired and the show is getting better each time. Besides the mystery of Asta’s Grimoire, there seems to be a secret society working against the kingdom. The growth of the series can best be explained by how the series was only going to have 13 episodes. The story of the two brothers demanded more and the quest to become the next Wizard King continues every week.