Going to a convention can be incredibly fun. But the day after a convention, you can end up sore, tired, and sick. Here’s some ways to take care of yourself so you don’t have a terrible day after.

Keep Your Feet Comfy

Number one thing that happens to me after every convention; my feet hurt. To minimize this, wear good walking shoes. That’s common sense. But the other thing you should wear are proper socks! Fairly thick athletic socks are the best in terms of support and keeping your feet comfortable no matter the weather.

I know certain cosplayers will be thinking “But those shoes/ socks don’t go with my outfit”. That’s true. Beauty is pain. But it doesn’t have to be.

The other way to help out your feet is to take breaks. Sit down and let your feet rest. After the con, lye down and raise them above your heart. This increases blood flow to them and ensures that they will hurt less tomorrow.

Hydrate or Diedrate

Make sure you find time during the day to eat a proper meal. If the convention center doesn’t have good food, nearby hotels/malls often do. A lot of cons now a days offer food trucks outside the convention hall.

In addition to food, remember to hydrate. Carrying a reusable water bottle with you is a great way to save money. Just make sure the cap is on tight so it does not leak in your bag.

Another thing to keep in mind is your health. Con plague happens, and you should be ready for it if you visit a con for the entire weekend. Bring basic supplies in case you get sick; tissues, cough drops, cough syrup etc. Better to be safe then sorry.

Take Care of Your Stuff

Don’t forget to take care of your purchases at a con!  It’s important that you have a safe way to carry everything to ensure nothing is damaged. Across the shoulder bags and back packs are your safest bet. Pick one that is big enough to store the largest item you intend to buy (Posters, plushies, replicas etc). That way you aren’t cramming the item into a tiny bag.

Try to bring a bag with multiple compartments. The most easily accessible one should have things you’ll need often, like your wallet and phone. Harder to get to compartments should be for your purchases or items you wont need for awhile like snacks and water. If you do bring a water bottle, either put it in a compartment far from your purchases or put it in a plastic bag to prevent leaks from getting on your items.

Conventions are exciting and in that excitement people sometimes forget to take care of themselves. Don’t be that person, and have a great day at, and after, the con.