Conventions are an adventure. You often trek to and from a hotel all weekend and have a good time. But, you could have a great time, if you remember to pack a few things. Here’s what to pack in a con bag.

The Bare Necessities 

These are the items you should be taking to any con or multi-day event. But these are also the things often left behind in the hotel room. 

Water Bottle

Stay hydrated! Certain cons are outside and HOT. Be sure to pack either a disposable bottle you can refill or multiple plastic water bottles.


Some panels are 18+ and that means you need your Drivers License or State ID to get in. This can easily be packed in your wallet or with your badge. 


Cons are chaotic. You’ll likely be snapping pictures and texting friends all throughout it. That means using a lot of battery power. Be sure to pack either portable chargers or ones that plug into wall outlets to prevent any of your devices from dying. 

Weather Items

Most cons are partially outside. Be sure to check the weather before the weekend of the con. You may need to pack an umbrella or wear an extra layer to stay warm.

Take Care

These are items you should bring to take care of yourself and others. 

Bandaid’s/ Ibuprofen 

The worst possible time to get a blister or a headache is at a con. But you can be prepared for that! Pack some basic first aid supplies in your bag in the event you or a friend need it. 


Con plague is real. You are going to be around a large group of people for several days. Germs will be abundant. You can prepare for this by chugging vitamin C supplements before the con. At the con, have your cough syrup of choice on hand just in case. 


Here are some things you don’t have to bring, but should if you have extra room in your bag. 


Whether it’s business cards, candy, or ribbons, some of us just like giving away free stuff at conventions. Handouts should be small enough that you can pack a lot of them and not take up too much space in your bag. 

Cosplay Crisis Kit

A constant fear of cosplayers is that we may damage our cosplays. This can be easily quelled by carrying basic repair supplies on you. A few extra safety pins can really help you or your friends that cosplay. 

Did I miss anything? What’s the weirdest thing you bring to a convention? Comment below!