When you hear the word etiquette, you think of which fork to use at a fancy party, or to hold your pinkie up when drinking tea. You don’t think of a comic convention. But, like any social event, there are a few unspoken rules. Especially when you interact with cosplayers. 

Compliment Etiquette 

Cosplayers love compliments. A nice compliment can really brighten their day. But some compliments come off as creepy. Here’s how to avoid that:


-Compliment Something the Cosplayer Has Control Over.

That means their costume, makeup, hair. These are things they’ve worked very hard on and appreciate recognition for.

-Compliment the Character.

If someone is dressed up as a certain character they are clearly a big fan. Saying something along the lines of “You look just like them!” Or “I love that character!” Is a great way to show your excitement. 

-Compliment the Details.

Certain cosplayers are perfectionists. They try to get everything right down to the last detail. If you notice that, let them know.


-Compliment a Body Part

People can’t control what their bodies look like. Some cosplayers appreciate being called “Sexy” but some don’t. Especially younger cosplayers. Play it safe and pick something else to compliment. 

-Cat Call

Catcalling is never ok. Especially at cons where cosplayers are just trying to celebrate their fandom and get away from real life for a while. 

Etiquette for Taking a Photo

One of the great things to do at cons is to take pictures of cosplayers. Here’s how to make it a good experience for them. 



A quick, “Excuse me, can I take your picture?” Is perfectly polite. If the cosplayer is distracted try a light tap on the shoulder to get their attention. Be sure not to pull on their cosplays or props. They can be very delicate. Some cosplayers don’t want people taking photos of them because they sell photos. In that case, you can respectfully decline a purchase, or find a photo you like and buy it. 

-Ask if You can Pose with Them

Most people are fine with strangers standing near them or touching them but some aren’t. Ask if placing a hand on their shoulder or hip is fine. For cosplayers that are more scantily clad, try not to place your hand on any exposed skin.

-Ask for their Instagram

You know what really helps cosplayers? When you post their photos and tag them in it! That’s how they can get discovered by other cosplayers that want to collaborate with them and by websites that want to interview or feature them. 


-Take a Photo Without Permission

Just don’t. It will likely be a bad photo due to the speed and sneakiness at which you took it. It takes two seconds to ask a cosplayer and that’s worth it. 

-Ask a Seated Cosplayer

Heres a simple rule; if their butt is on the ground, don’t interact with the cosplayer. They are sitting because they are taking a break and want to talk to the people they are seated with. 

-Ask them in a Crowded Aisle

Not only will you guys hold up traffic but, people will walk through the space between you and the cosplayer, likely getting in the photo. 

-Ask a Cosplayer who is Eating/ Occupied

If a cosplayer is clearly occupied by talking to someone or doing something, leave them alone. They will likely be done in a minute and then you can ask them for a photo. 

In general, use common sense. Pleases and thank yous, being polite and respectful, and being nice can help your con experience go great. Remember your manners and you should be just fine.