Welcome to the most must see TV show in television history. We are not talking about Miz TV. We are talking about Miz & Mrs, a show showing us the life of Mike and Maryse away from the ring. We will review each episode as it airs.



Maryse takes picture taking very seriously, as well as plastic covers on couches.  Whenever someone curses, they have to do burpies. On the road, Mike runs into Austin Creed and they talk about how much they have to do when they get home. Creed suggests he take Maryse out. At home, Mike and Maryse are working when Mike says that he has a special surprise date planned. All this is forgotten when Mike sees a snake and jumps out of his skin. Maryse spares him and has Mike put it in a box

Empty Box


Mike and Maryse go to release the snake, but Maryse finds the box empty. A search of the car revels the snake and Maryse sets it free. It’s finally time to go to their date and it turns out to be the Renaissance Festival. Mike is thrilled, Maryse less so. She cheers up a bit when she is shown the market place. Mike is really into it, speaking in old English the entire time.


Mike grabs a turkey leg, the requirement at any festival. Mike and Maryse change clothes to fit in. Mike gives a speech and Maryse speaks in French. Maryse gets into the spirit and does fun things. Mike curses and is put in the stocks. Back on the road, Mike talks with Maria and Mike Kanellis about his date and how to take a proper photo. Mike starts to wonder if Maryse was pretending to like it. Mike gives Maryse a ride to a proper date on a helicopter and shows off his new skills.

Line of the night: “There is only one snake allowed in this house” Mike channeling his inner Quagmire.