There’s a reason that Camp Crystal Lake is called Camp blood…Now I know that in the first Friday the 13th film, Jason wasn’t the murderer but in the next films in the series, he racks up the kill count!

Jason was born in the ’40s with facial deformities and mental disabilities. Life had not been kind to him, only his mother Pamela Voorhees treated him love. In the summer of 1957, Pamela was unable to find a sitter for Jason she resorted to bringing him with her to work at Camp Crystal Lake. It was this summer that Jason had drowned due to the harsh bullying he endured by the other children and inattentive camp counselors. His body was never found but he was assumed dead. This drove Pamela to kill the two counselors that let this happen, which take place during the first Friday the 13th film. There was only one survivor of the events from the first film and she was able to kill Pamela. The victim may have thought this whole thing was over, but it’s all just beginning.

Jason takes revenge on the death of his mother by killing his mother’s killer and any other teens who hang out at Camp Crystal Lake. He murders many people over the course of many years as a mortal man, but he had been resurrected by lightening, also frozen and set to thaw in the future…in space. He would have to be indestructible to have as high of a kill count as he does.

Meme Creator Unknown

Jason also had a face-off with horror movie villain Freddy Kruger in the film Freddy vs Jason and in the comic Freddy vs. Jason vs. Ash: The Nightmare Warriors. As an avid horror fan, I felt sympathetic towards Jason because he seemed more human when confronted with Freddy. His fear of water was more apparent in the film and he was like a scared child when Freddy was in his nightmares. I rooted for Jason to win because he backstory is more tragic and he is a product of what happened to him whereas Freddy Kruger was horrible (especially towards children).

Nowadays, when anyone sees a hockey mask, they will think of Jason no matter if it’s Halloween or not because he has become such an icon.