Freddy is literally the thing of nightmares. He is one of the most important horror movie villains covered. Everyone knows who he is. His burned face, razor fingers, stripe sweater and an Indiana Jones-like hat is a popular Halloween costume.

Freddy Krueger started out by messing with Nancy Thompson and her group of friends. One by one they are picked off when they fall asleep. Eventually, Nancy is the only left to face him and she eventually gets away from him. This doesn’t stop him from terrorizing others.

Freddy was the son of a nun who was raped by a group of the criminally insane when she was accidentally locked in the room with them. He was born sometime in September of 1942 and did not have an easy life from there. He had a chance to change his outcome in life but became a child murderer instead.

He isn’t restricted to only killing teenagers, any of those who lived on Elm Street in Springwood are his targets. He didn’t always haunt the dream world, he was a living person but did awful things to people. He had killed around 20 children in Springwood, giving him the name “Springwood Slasher”, he was caught but let off on a technicality. A mob of angry parents from Elm Street decided to act and found him, they burned him alive. It was at this time he took a deal from Dream Demons (demonic entities) to roam the dream world, killing whomever he pleased.

He makes this list because he is the most recognized. He may not have the highest kill count compared to Jason Voorhees whom he faced off with, but he has the most creative ways of killing his victims. Anytime I hear the schoolyard rhyme, a shiver goes down my spine and I have a harder time getting to sleep. This proves that Freddy Krueger is a horror movie icon.