Never open The Lament Configuration. It does not bring wonders to the world. Pinhead is one of the most well-known Cenobites in the Hellraisier movies. What most don’t know is that he used to be human.

Cenobites are extra dimensional beings that find their ways into the world through small gaps of space and time. One artificat is The Lament Configuration or a golden puzzle box. Pinhead was formerly Elliot Spencer, born in Britain and joined the British Army, also served in the first World War.

After witnessing the atrocities of man, he lost all faith and roamed the world with no care. He stumbles across the golden puzzle box and finally understands pain. With each new person who solves the puzzle, they go through bouts of torture from others in this other worldly dimension.

Pinhead among the other Cenobites release a version of Hell to those who solve the puzzle. For those who solve it though, it is supposed to release the pleasures of the world. In a sense it does, but not in the way they expect at the end of it. In Hellraiser: Bloodline, viewers learn about the history of the Lament Configuration and how it was made. Of course this film takes place in space and the past, in true horror movie fashion.

Pinhead leads the other cenobites to bring more into their group. He is a complex character with an interesting backstory. I recommend watching all the films to know more about his history and the history of the other cenobites.