Last month a new documentary hit Netflix that has shaken things up on social media (at least on my News Feed). This documentary isn’t easy to watch. I am issuing a TRIGGER WARNING in this review due to animal cruelty mentioned in the documentary.

via KnowYourMeme

First rule of the internet, which is rule zero: Don’t fuck with Cats. It is stated in the first episode of the three-part series. One thing everyone on social media can attest that when there are news reports of animal cruelty, people tend to get upset. Mostly because they are animal lovers themselves.

In this series I had the displeasure of seeing a series of videos of a man who takes pleasure in killing cats and kittens in the worst ways. I won’t go into too many details but one involves a vacuum seal bag, another with a python, and lastly a bathtub. I don’t think I need to explain what happens in those but they were horrific to watch even within the documentary.

In the documentary we meet people like Deanna Thompson and “John Green”, two people who spearheaded a group on Facebook called Find the Kitten Vacuumer… For great justice. Deanna goes by the throwaway name Baudi Moovan in the group. When she saw the first video “1 Boy 2 Kittens”, she was determined to find out who the person in the video was. What her and other people didn’t know is that he had infiltrated the group and enjoyed that he was riling people up that he made more videos. To the point where he actually killed a person, which is when police actually started to listen to the Facebook groups pleas about Luka Magnotta.

A full fledged manhunt began for Luka across international waters. Luka was on the run, but he couldn’t hide forever. Investigators and the people from the Facebook group pieced together his vanity which is how he got caught.

My rating: 5/10

The reason I gave a low rating because of the animal cruelty in the documentary. It wasn’t easy to watch and it really wasn’t a satisfying end, even if the guy was caught. It did give the viewers something to think about: giving people like him a spotlight may be part of the reason he kept going, for attention. My advice to animal lovers, save yourself the trouble of watching. Just know that the internet is a bad place and you should never go there and that the person who did these heinous things to animals is behind bars.

Don’t F**k with Cats is on Netflix now!