Welcome to the most must see TV show in television history. We are not talking about Miz TV. We are talking about Miz & Mrs, a show showing us the life of Mike and Maryse away from the ring. We will review each episode as it airs.

A Viral Hit


Miz and Maryse are working out in the doll gym. A treadmill catches Maryse’s dress and rips it off! Mike is so shocked he knocks over dolls. At the OBGYN, Mike talks about wanting to have a boy. The doctor knows, but is not telling. Mike talks about how his dad has become popular after Wrestlemania.  Maryse is having a gender reveal party with her family. Her sister is tasked with the knowledge and told not to tell anyone. Mike is determined to find out before the party. Mr Miz, George, shows off his shirts and Mike is not impressed. The boxers were a nice touch.

The Good Son


Mike starts his operation to find out the gender. He enters his sister-in-laws bedroom while she is sleeping. He grabs the envelope and steams it open in the kitchen. He is caught by his niece, who he bribes not to tell. Mike learns his dad is having an appearance, and tweets it out to make sure people show up. Mike hopes people will show up.


At the bowling alley, quite a few people show up. Miz is beaming, proud of his father. Some people even buy his shirts. The whole family takes a picture in the famous Mr Miz pose. The day of the party arrives. Ziggler arrives and Maryse gives the boys the cannons for the party. Miz decides to pop one off to find out. Not knowing how to work it makes the wad nailing Miz right in the jewels a damn inevitability. It was a setup by Maryse. Things get real as Mike says if he has another daughter, it is a blessing. The real cannons are popped and it is a girl.

Line of the night: “He tweeked me” George is not really up to date on modern tech.

George has one sub shop, but has aspirations for two.