Will was looking especially dapper in his 20s inspired director’s outfit.

Hollywood Blockbusters is the theme.

Make your own movie “build a scene” in only 8 hours, which seems like a really short time. The brick masters specifically want to see a scene that has movie magic and the build needs to tell the story for itself. The build must create an epic moment. Each portrayal is supposed to be iconic and scenes are supposed to be recognizable from the beginning. The brick masters want to see an original story however, which makes this challenge extremely difficult in such little time. This doesn’t include any twists the Will Arnett throws in, as he does.

Here are the genres mixed:

Kids – mystery

Comedy – monster

Western – fantasy

Mystery – western

Monster – romance

Thriller – comedy

Fantasy – kids

Romance – thriller

Christian and Aaron pulled the Romance genre and their faces looked so unpleasant. Is it possible they will use their golden brick this round?

Tear Jerker Moment: While talking about the Western movie idea with Nestor and his son, Will busts out a phone for Nestor to call his wife of 48 years just so he can say he loves her and misses her. So much love in their voices. You can’t possibly not tear up with them. Maybe the team should have gotten the Romance category.

Sloped pieces (a 1x1x2/3 stud piece with a 33 degree slope), in simple terms, it looks like cheese and is good for building things such as roofs in a build.

The big surprise: Chris Miller and Phil Lord make an appearance (the creators of the Lego movies). They arrive to, of course, add a twist by adding another genre to the current category (the listed categories above). This at least added 5 extra hours to the clock. Most teams were excited for the extra time. This seemed to really mess with the groups and throw them off.

Upon completion before reveal, Christian and Aaron decided it was time to use their Golden Brick of Immunity in order to bypass this challenge. As if romance wasn’t already hard enough, adding thriller to the mash-up was just too much. Now we get to see who gets the brick next.


Top Two: Mark and Boone

Tyler and Amy

Bottom Two:  Amie and Krystale

Mannie and Nestor

Winners: Mark and Boone

Going Home: Mannie and Nestor 

This affected everyone and a lot of tears from the other teams were shed for them.

Next challenge: Mega City Build

Lego Learn phrase of the episode: Cheese Slope