Maybe the last thing we should be doing is playing a game about widespread infection, but gamers don’t care. Most old-school and new-school gamers are getting hyped by the coming release of Resident Evil 3 remake. Two weeks ago, the demo was released.  The game is releasing this Friday (YES!!!). Here are my thoughts.

I am actually much happier with this demo than the release of the Resident Evil 2 remake demo. I did not like there being a timer on a game where you don’t know the map. I didn’t make it very far in the game because I don’t rush the playing, I love searching everywhere because I’m a completionist. With the third game demo, you can play as many times as you want but can only go so far. This gives me a chance to look at every detail of a portion of Resident Evil 3.

The player starts out in the train station as Jill with Carlos Oliveira and Mikhail Viktor, asking Jill to get the train going. The gameplay is the same as the previous Resident Evil game, so people who are used to that are going to be happy. Being that it is a demo, there wasn’t an option to have focused aim, which is hard for me because I absolutely suck at aiming. It took me a while to play through the demo because of these, but I was not disappointed.

I love running around Raccoon City, shooting zombies and learning how to properly ration my inventory pack. Because I have terrible aim, there were moments where I just ran past some zombies to get through the demo. I was shaking because I was nervous about when Nemesis was going to show up. I knew it was coming, but I didn’t know when. It comes towards the end when Jill has to put out a fire to move onto the next part of the game, but that is also where the demo ends.

You best bet that I pre-ordered the game on the PlayStation.

Resident Evil 3 Remake will be out on April 3rd for PS4, Xbox One and PC.