Now that we are passed what would have been one of the most exciting weeks of the year at E3 2020, Funko has made it clear they have been super busy behind the scenes still creating their fun figures for us. This also includes the exclusives we would have been able to get at the E3 Expo as well. June this year would have been their second time hosting a Funko Pop Up Shop on the E3 floor, instead, the company has made the exclusives available for us online instead. 

First, I’m super excited that I didn’t have to get up early, try and race others to the front of the building, scan the map to figure out the quickest route to the shop and finally hope that I get to the booth before everything is sold out. This year 5 different exclusives were released for Diablo, Borderlands, The Witcher III, Elder Scrolls and Fortnite. 

As for the usual, these exclusives can be bought at your local GameStop location or the GameStop website. If you go to the Funko website however, you can get all five as a part of the E3 bundle. The only thing I don’t see here is the exclusive E3 only Pop. Sadly, the available items won’t have the E3 sticker on the front either. Since the convention didn’t happen, the choice to not have a con-exclusive Pop may have been for the best. 

The shop usually also features other hot item like t-shirt boxes, other figures, plushes and a lot more. Usually there is plenty to go around if you didn’t want to get the exclusives anyway. Listed below are the five you can buy right now! If you like the large 6” or 10” Pops, you’ll like this too!

Borderlands 3 #594 Handsome Jack Metallic

Diablo 2 #600 Tyrael

Elder Scrolls V Skyrim #587 Sheogorath with Wabbajack

Fortnite #438 Skull Trooper Purple

Witcher III #561 Leshen Wild Hunt 6″ Super-Sized


If you like any of these then get them now! The company didn’t make it clear if these would be in limited supply.