While growing up, Cartoon Network had some of the best cartoons, which later became pretty iconic. One of the shows Samurai Jack, was definitely at the top but stalled in a way leaving no resolve until the fifth series was made to create an end to the show. Needless to say, most people were happy with how the story stopped. Now however, Soleil Ltd. Has developed Samurai Jack: Battle Through Time that begins where the fifth season of the show left off.

Battle Through Time is an action adventure hack and slash. Jack is kept from reaching his homeland (surprise surprise) by Aku in what Jack thought was his final journey through time. Aku sends him through other times that he has been too before and Jack has had enough. He has to fight his way through many enemies to defeat Aku in order to stop the treachery one last time.

If you are already a fan of the show, the you will notice right away that you run into some of the most popular character like The Scotsman. The fact the voices are the ones from the show is awesome. Enemies are awfully familiar too, like the robots. Jack has the ability to level up and collect many weapons in order to make it to each boss fight and collect Aku Medallions. All of these are pretty core to hack and slash games.

The characters are a little blocky without much detail, and this makes the game feel like an old PS2 game. The nostalgia part is great, but this is a shock to the eyes for sure. Controlling sometimes is a bit clunky and enemies seem to come in hordes, making the balance seem unfair at times. The enemies even have these amazing abilities to hit you from way out in the middle of nowhere.

If this game were to be recreated in the future, there would be a big chance that the graphics could be updated drastically to match the likes of Last Of Us, or similar, in order to create a really detailed live action type game. That is something I would love to see once the final battle has been completed with this release. Samurai Jack is one of the stories that could possibly be made into a more realistic game or show, but somehow that hasn’t happened yet.

Overall, if you like Samurai Jack in any way, the game is good to play. The price is a bit high and the graphics might scare you, but the adventure is the best part. If you know the show, then Samurai Jack: Battle Through Time will be a huge call back to your younger days.


Available on Xbox, PS4,Switch and PC
